JBC JBDMPSD-2QA 4 -Tools rework station with DT530

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DMPSD is perfect for precise soldering, SMD rework and handling high-power tasks, ensuring efficient desoldering of through-hole components.

It guarantees exceptional soldering quality with JBC Most Efficient Soldering System, while Intelligent Heat Management helps extend tip life and reduce energy consumption.


DME 4-Tool Control Unit manages up to 4 tools simultaneously and is fully compatible with 10 different JBC Tools, delivering up to 150 W per tool.

DMPSE works simultaneously with T210 Precision Handle, T245 General Purpose Handle, AM120 Adjustable Micro Tweezers and DT530 Angled Desoldering Iron.

MSE Electric Desoldering Module provides exceptional suction power, reaching up to 85% vacuum, ensuring precise and efficient solder removal.